About GPTZero
GPTZero is an innovative AI detection platform designed for educators, writers, and professionals. It helps users identify AI-generated content quickly and effectively. With its advanced scanning technology, GPTZero provides in-depth insights and detailed analysis, ensuring the authenticity of written work, thus promoting academic integrity.
GPTZero offers various subscription plans: Basic is free with 10,000 words per month, Essential is $8.33/month for 150,000 words, Premium at $12.99/month includes 300,000 words and all features, and Professional at $24.99/month supports teams with 500,000 words, along with centralized billing and scan sharing options.
GPTZero features a user-friendly interface designed for seamless navigation. The platform’s intuitive layout allows users to easily upload texts or documents for analysis while highlighting AI detection results clearly. With its straightforward design, users can efficiently assess their writing for AI content and improve their work’s originality.
How GPTZero works
Users interact with GPTZero by creating an account to access its features. They can paste or upload documents for detection. The platform analyzes the text, identifying AI-generated content and provides a detailed report with results at both the document and sentence levels, making it easy to understand AI impacts on writing.
Key Features for GPTZero
Advanced AI Scan
The Advanced AI Scan from GPTZero uniquely processes text to determine AI authorship with high accuracy. This feature not only detects AI-written content but provides a comprehensive breakdown of results, enabling users to forge better writing practices while maintaining authenticity in their work.
Plagiarism Checker
GPTZero's Plagiarism Checker detects unoriginal content from external sources. This unique feature ensures writers can validate the integrity of their work, preserving originality and transparency. By understanding the sources, users can improve their content's quality while avoiding potential academic or professional pitfalls.
Authorship Verification
Authorship Verification is a standout feature of GPTZero, ensuring users can confirm the originality of their writing. By utilizing this tool, users can maintain transparency and trust in their compositions, ultimately enhancing credibility while navigating through complex AI-generated text challenges.